Deal on Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare & Kingdoms of Amalur

Get it for free now! Wow I was so amazed when I came across this amazing deal on FREE Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (72 Gaming Hours) & Kingdoms of Amalur (48 Gaming Hours) at ORIGIN! I couldn't believe my eyes! The Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is added to EA Game time promotion on Origin, which offers you 72 gaming hours of playing time for FREE! When you've redeemed the 'Game Time' offer, you're free to start the time at your convenience. You can even start after the end of the promotion. Its sounds great to start playing when you have the possibility to play for a good portion of that time. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is also part of the promotion, with 48 hours of 'Game Time'. Download it and play when ever you like! Enjoy.