Deal on Pierre Cardin & Van Heusen suits for $149 at TheMensShop

The Mens Shop is having a clearance and is offering you a selected collection of Pierre Cardin & Van Heusen suits for only $149, which means you can save up to 70% off the original prices! All you have to do to get this offer is enter the code PCVH149 right into your shopping cart and get the instant clearance discount! You can find different styles like wool, wool rich, wool blend, various colours, two trouser & single trouser. The sizes are limited for some of the items for example 92 jacket – 80 trouser 96 jacket – 84 trouser 100 jacket – 88 trouser 104 jacket – 92 trouser 108 jacket – 96 trouser 112 jacket – 100 trouser 116 jacket – 104 trouser Be quick and use the offer before it expires on the 16th of January or while the stock lasts! You will get your order in a week!