Dick Smith Does HALF PRICE and MORE! [Philip Home Theatre $249]

Just got hold of this deal from Dick Smith while browsing online and feels like it really fits with the holidays coming. Dick Smith is doing its HALF PRICE specials starting November 20. The online store is selling these at half prices: RAR Bluetooth Soundbase [$99], Philips 5.1 Tallboy 3D Blu-Ray Home Theatre System [$249], DS Wired Full size Keyboard [$12.48], PIONEER Over-Ear TV Headphones SEM631TV [$24.98], AirBeatz Mood Sound LED Bluetooth Speaker [$49.98], Targus 15.6ƒÄÛ MCD-2 Backpack [$29.99], LG G2 Unlocked White 32GB Unlocked [$498; get to save $100]. What's more, Dick Smith is also doing discounts on various products [like slashing off 15% from its Toshiba laptops priced over 500 dollars].