OR Books: 20% Sale on Paperbacks; eBooks Only $1 [Until Dec. 7]

Hey, bookworms! This fantastic deal is for us. OR Books, a leading book publishing company, is putting their eBooks on $1 sale [typically, eBooks are priced at $10 to $20]. What's more, they are slashing 20% off from all their paperbacks. OR Books cover a wide range of topics that include activism, society, history, politics, about the internet, the Middle East and more. Additionally, the publishing house has published books from authors like Julian Assange, Moustafa Bayoumi, Medea Benjamin, Sue Coe, Simon Critchley, Lisa Dierbeck, Norman Finkelstein, Laura Flanders, Chris Lehmann, Gordon Lish, Bill McKibben, Eileen Myles, Yoko Ono, Douglas Rushkoff, Jeanne Thornton and more. Note: shipping fees are excluded from the deal.