Panasonic VIERA 60" Full-HD LED TV with IPS Panel for only $1,399

Catch Of The Day is selling Panasonic Viera 60” Full-HD LED TV (Model: TH-60A430A GE4034) for only $1,399, the cheapest that you can find in the market today. You can check any Dick Smith store to see how it looks like as Catch Of The Day is selling Dick Smith's stock. Panasonic television has been known for its high quality picture and the television model Viera FHD LED TV (TH-60A430A GE4034) is 60 inches wide with IPS LED Super Bright panel for stunning picture quality. It has 200Hz back light blinking with smooth motion and produces clear sound and picture. Get one see other exciting features. It comes with a 12 Month Manufacturer Warranty.