Save with Woolworths 20% discount on Optus Prepaid Recharge Value

This is a phone prepaid credit recharge value promo from Woolworths. If you purchase a $30 or more on any recharge value you'll get 20% discount. This is very useful this coming holidays for calling family, friends or colleagues. The discount must be claimed within August 27 and September 2, 2014 at 11:59PM. You can use it with 'Rev Up Bonus' or 'My Credit' and My Prepaid Daily, My Prepaid Daily Plus or Dollar Days plans or 'Bonus credit' for reloading it. You will get 20% of the value reloaded as Dollar monetary value. Only standard national talk and text as well as internet usage within Australia once you use Rev Up Bonus, MyCredit, Bonus Credit. You've to use up the credit before it become invalid in 28-30 days accordingly on chosen plan or on reload. This is not valid on Connect4less and Talk and Text4 Less.