Great Deals on Nexus 7 for Only $195.99 at Expansys

Until now, Nexus 7 has remained the best tablet in the market. With 4G data availability, a sufficient ram of 2G, an Android 4.3 Jelly Bean processor which can be upgraded to Android 4.4 KitKat, it can run multiple apps with no lag! Even with updates and downloads running in the background, it can smoothly run 1080p video without flaw. Do online streaming or surf the Internet through WiFi at lightning speed! It easily rotates from portrait to landscape view without glitches. Thin and light, you'll find it amazingly unbelievable to have two very good sounding built-in speakers. It also boasts of its amazing high resolution screen, wallpaper and icons with colors so rich and vibrant. Get the best tablet at Expansys for $195.99 only.