Kindle eBook FREE: Negotiation Tactics - Levers, Guns & Sancti...

Get this FREE Kindle eBook from Amazon! Negotiation Tactics - Levers, Guns & Sanctions: Pre Negotiation Moves to Bring Reluctant Parties to Collaboration is definitely a worthwhile read. Amazon book Description: Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then? Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not cliché power games that can leave your situation worse than when you started. The techniques — based on the psychology of human behavior — are designed to help you achieve the positive outcomes you seek. Make no mistake. This book is not for the faint-hearted. If you believe you can get what you need by asking as nicely as possible … well, let us know how that works out. The truth is, you can... See full details