$99 After Price Match at Harvey Norman for Navman EZY30 GPS 3.5"

If you are looking for a lowest price on GPS screen, you can check out at Harvey Norman. You can purchase the Navman EZY30 GPS 3.5" screen for as low as $128! It was valued for $179. So, how you can get it for $99? Yes, I heard you are asking it now. You can visit getprice.com and you will learn that Super Cheap Auto store offered it before for $99 only. You just have to show that bargain to Harvey Norman store manager and they will be glad to offer you a price match even it was an old deal from that online store. It'll be covered by 1 Full Year Australian Warranty too. What you will get from this GPS gadget are: high quality Safety alerts, 3.5" touchscreen, 3D views for landmark guidance with smart route guidance, Speed alert for your safety, easy to navigate menu and more!