Enjoy up to 50% off on Myer Stocktake sale

Be the first to see Myer discounted products which will be on sale on Wednesday next week. Online sneak peek is available today. There will also be an in-store sale tomorrow. Buy Myer items for as low as $12 or get a product with discount up to 50% off. Enjoy 30% off on Le Cruesant items, hosiery, socks, sports bras, and woman thermals. Get 40% off on Vue Tranquil Sheets, Monsac, Jeff Banks, and Calvin Klein businessmen shirts. Avail 50% off on Jamie Oliver kitchenware, Piper and Piper Woman clothes, Van Heusen and Van Heusen Euro business shirts. Here are the other sale items: - $12 for Balmain Towels - $16 for Vue spa towels - $39 for all Berlei Barley and Triumph bras - $75 for selected Levis jeans - $60 for selected Guess, Jag, Piper, Grab, and Riders by Lee jeans Visit the site for more details: http://imgur.com/xiEGpnK