Mount Canobolas Wines 6 Bottle Pack for only $126.80

I Like Wine has a great offer on the 6 Bottle Mount Canobolas Wine Collection. Get the 2x Mount Canobolas Cab Sauv, 1x Mount Canobolas Merlot, 2x Mount Canobolas Chardonnay and 1x Mount Canobolas Riesling for only a cheap price of $126.80. But not only that, you can get the Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ml for only $100. This offer is great special this incoming holiday season. Mount Canabolas have sourced fruit from individual vineyards where there is a perfect match of site and variety. The wines are very personal expressions of vineyard and variety. They produce wines that are outstanding due not only to their aromas and flavors but their textures and structures.