For $27.48 Only, Watch Modern Family Seasons 1-3 Blu-Ray Box Set

Another Golden Globe-winning sitcom is now on sale for you to enjoy watching it without spending that much. Fishpond is giving a discount on Blu-Ray Box Set of Modern Family Season 1-3. You can buy it now for $27.48 only including shipping! The sitcom is about the three extended families with members who are gleeful, deteriorated, multicultural behaviours. They all live in Los Angeles with the head of the family (Jay Pritchett) who just remarried to a Colombian, sexy and young wife (Gloria) with Manny, the teenager son. These two are added to his family that consists of his daughter with her husband and 3 children, his son with his gay partner and a Vietnamese baby adopted by Cameron. The hilarious comedy series start to unfold. You have to hurry because this is hard to come by promo for a Blu-Ray copy of 3 seasons!