Get the Mirror's Edge (World) Free (Down From $10.49) iOS

If you like itunes games this will be an awesome bargain price for a very interesting game. You can get the Mirror's Edge (World) for free now, down from the regular price of $10.49. The App Store rating for this game is 4 out of 5 stars, and I personally highly recommend it. It works on iPhones and iPads, and you can get it for free on the Australian iTunes. If you haven't heard of it before, it is a adrenaline-driven gameplay, that takes you into the world of Faith Connors – an underground “Runner” who bolts into action to stop a deadly threat in a “perfect society” full of sinister surveillance and relentless pursuers. The idea behind the game is very exciting. There are 14 levels of increasing intensity in single-player combat mode. Enjoy!