Mineral water sale from $1 @finesse Blue, pick up ok in Burwood!

Take advantage of the low price on various mineral waters from the predecessor of Premium mineral waters, Finesse Blue. With its amazing markdown at 50% to 70% off, you can enjoy excellent mineral waters for price ranging from $1 to $1.49. A wide variety of mineral waters from around the globe to choose from like Sourcy sparkling, Te Wai Hou Sparkling, Pedras Sparkling, Andes still and many more. They can give a great deal for bulk order, and is also giving away big discount on some stocks for clearance. Offering in Sydney only and can accommodate pick up in Burwood, NSW 2134. For more details and reservation contact 0450 367 325 and look for max, or send an email to info@finesseblue.com.au, finesseblue@gmail.com or visit their website and facebook account.