Get A Middy of Beer Every Day plus 10% off at Living Social

You can get a middy of beer every day for a year, for three years or for five years plus 10% off food and other beverages at Living Social This is another great deal from Living Social that is worth buying. Get one middy of beer every day for one year for only $299, for three years for $649, and five years for $1,000. You have up to 13 beer selections to choose from namely Swan Draught, Tooheys Extra Dry, James Squire One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale, Rogers Beer, James Boags Draught, 5 Seeds, Hahn Super Dry, Hahn Super Dry 3.5, Coopers Pale Ale, Guinness, Stella Artois, Little Creatures Pale Ale and Heineken.