Get 15% off plus additional discount on MacBook Air @ eBay
![50%OFF MacBook Air Deals and Coupons](/otherImages/21141.jpg)
eBay is offering a great deal on their newest model of MacBook Air . Get 15% off plus additional discount on MacBook Air at eBay. The MacBook Air 13" 128 GB 1.4 GHz was sold at DWI eBay Online for $1059 two weeks ago and you can now get the same newest model of MacBook Air 13" 128 GB 1.4 GHz for as low as $879.02 with eBay's 15% off code + 2% cash back through From the price of $1059 eBay brought it down to $999 and with additional discounts of 15% ( that is less $100 ) and 2% ( equivalent to $19.98 ) and you can get the MacBook Air 13" 128 GB 1.4 GHz at the amazingly low price of only $879.02.