Lowepro Bags and Other Products at Low Prices

Cameras Direct has some good deals for Lowepro bags and other products. This a clearance Sale, so expect prices to be almost give away levels. Check and compare with other stores and you'll discover theirs is the lowest. Included in the long list of sale items are the Lowepro Photo Traveler 150 Mica at $49.95, Lowepro Slingshot 302 AW at only $99.95; Lowepro Slingshot 202 AW for only $76.49; Lowepro Slingshot 102 AW at just $69.95; Lowepro S&F Bottle Pouch for only $14.24 and the Lowepro S&F Deluxe Belt and Vest Kit. All items are brand new, the same as the cameras which are also on sale via Direct Spot Deals. So don't miss the chance to get these items, at super give away prices, only from Cameras Direct.