Lost Treasure game for PlayStation is on sale. $2.15 from PSN

Play Station Network is having a huge sale on games for Play Station consoles including Lost Treasure. So if you are a gamer or someone who is bored or maybe you are looking for a new hobby, either way take a look at these games and try 'em out. Here are some games that would give you huge discounts when you buy them: Ferrari The Race Experience €7.49/£5.99, From Dust €7.49/£5.99, Gotham City Impostors €7.49/£5.99, LocoRoco Cocoreccho €1.49/£1.19, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 €7.49/£5.99, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes €7.49/£5.99 and many more. And if you are a PS plus subscriber you will get additional discounts as well. Check these games out!