Make Local & Overseas Calls for Free With Minimum Spend

I would say that the deal is about free calls only, but there is a slight catch to it. You vate to sign up and credit your account with 10 Euros through Paypal. After this action you can call for free for six months. You can make calls to land lines and mobiles (UK & US). There are some limitations of the offer of course. The calls cut off at every 60 minutes, but you can call back right away, and you can't go over 300 minutes per week. You can use the software on their website or a SIPP compatible device. After the 6 months, you can use up your 10 Euro credit, which should last a while since their rates are pretty small as well. Some of the countries you can make free calls to are: Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Poland, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Hungary, and others.