Receive LG EFTPOS Cashcard($400) for an LG Refrigerator Purchase

LG is giving out $400 worth of Cashcard for product promotion. You can get this EFTPOS Cash Card if you purchase any participating LG refigerator. This promo period is from February 26 to April 30, 2014. All Claims and proof of purchase must be received and finalize by the promoter by May 14,2014. I will list here the Model and value of participating product: *$100 Cashcard GC-L247ENSL GC-L197DPNL *$200 Cashcard GR LL30SL GR D257SL GR L730SL *$300 Cashcard GR 5D951L GR 5D725SL GR 5D951L *$400 Cashcard GR D907SL GR D730SL For further information and other details for this promo visit