Get up to $69 Cash back on CentreCom sale ( HDD, laptop, monitor)

Centre Com is having a sale and is offering a great deal on their Lenovo G650 Laptop, Seagate 500gb 2.5 inch Portable Hard Drive and Acer Monitor. Get these amazing products and you can get up to $69 cash back. This is Centre Com's Weekend Special and you can get the Seagate 500 GB, 2.5 inch Portable Hard Drive ( usb 2.0 ) for only $49 , the Acer G225HQBD 22-inch Monitor for only $108 ( you only pay $127 and you get $19 Cash Back through Acer ), and the Lenovo G650 Notebook for just $399 ( You pay $449 and you get $50 cash back through Lenovo ) .