Amazon Offers La Crosse Color LCD Wireless Weather Station $46.18

This is the lowest priced weather station up for grabs. Take home a La Crosse Color LCD Wireless Weather Station for only $46.18 delivered. It provides fast and detailed wireless transmission from an outdoor sensor. Product Features: - Color Forecast - USB charge port - Wireless outdoor - Adjustable backlight - Self setting Atomic time and Date Benefits: - Color weather icons: sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy - Charge devices with USB charging port on back (charging cord not included) - Wireless IN/OUT temperature (F/C) & humidity (%RH) with MIN/MAX records - Adjustable backlight - Sensor signal strength indicator - Temperature alerts (In/Out) - Temperature trend indicators - Humidity trend indicators - 12/24 Hour time (manual setting) with snooze alarm - Calendar: month, day and date - Low battery indicator Full details