For $79 Only with Shipping, get Kogan Multi Function Cooker(1.5L)

If you are planning to get a new cooker for these coming holiday occasions, this Kogan promo is for you (and for me too). I have found this on their website that I can get the Kogan Multi Function Cooker (1.5 Litre) for $79 only with free shipping! The advantage of buying this cooker is it makes your kitchen clutter-free of other appliances. You don't need to use deep fryer, electric stove, slow cooker, electric oven, steam cooker and even yoghurt maker. It is also easy to use as it has 21 programmed functions including warm functions. It is also effortless to clean. If this is a good savings on your money, time, kitchen space and energy consumption then hurry, buy one for yourself.