Save More on Kochi Return Flights from Melbourne for $503 Only

The most affordable price for your return flights to Kochi and Kolkata India is now available at Air Asia. To guarantee you the discounted price, you have to book your flight within April 14-20, 2014. You must travel within April 14 to September 30, 2014 too. Act quickly though there are plenty seats available all throughout the promo period. You can check below the flight schedules per route. From Melbourne to Kochi ($503) or Kolkata ($529), you will depart on May 5 and return on May 12. For Sydney to Kochi ($507) or Kolkata ($533), you will depart on May 1 and return on May 19. While Gold Coast to Kochi ($512) only, you will leave on May 10 and return on June 17. From Gold Coast to Kolkata ($537), you will leave on May 4 and return on June 4.