Omega J8005 Masticating Juicer for Only $137.62

Buy an Omega J8005 Masticating Juicer at the discounted price of $137.62, and save 38% from the original price. This Nutrition System Juicer is a masticating style juice extractor. Its ability to juice at low speeds – 80 RPM minimizes heat build-up and oxidation. The result is healthy fresh juice with the high enzyme content that health conscious individuals crave. The 8005 nutrition Systems are engineered with powerful components that can easy extract juice from wheat-grass and leafy vegetables, so there is no limit to the variety of juice you can make. Nutrition Systems are not just for juicing; they turn nuts into nut butter, grind coffee and spices, mince herbs and garlic, make baby food, and whip up soy milk in a flash.