Spend GBP100 and get a free delivery on your John Lewis Orders

John Lewis is putting up another sale and discounts as they put up another promotion. Enjoy a free shipping in all your john lewis orders by just spending $100 on a single minimum purchase. Yes! You don;t have to worry about the several factors you need to consider like when, where and how you'll be getting and picking up your orders, you can just wait at your house and wait for it to arrive. John lewis items constitute these things: Mirrors Heavy or bulky items which need to be carried by more than one person, e.g fitness equipment Nursery travel, e.g car seats and pushchairs Crackers and candles Liquids and aerosols Beauty products Knives/scissors Paints, glues and products containing these items (e.g toys) Food/alcohol/perishables/flowers & plants Gift List deliveries