Check out this Year end sale at JB hifi! Save up to 35%

Hi guys, so it's time for the year end sale. This time JB Hifi is offering you really attractive deals - crazy sale, I've gotta say. Online deals end on 25th so better be hurry. Let's see if your favourite items are in this list: Frozen Planet Bluray $38, Astro boy 1960 (11 DVD set) $32, Transformers 80's animated (2 DVD) set $4, Best Of She-ra Princess Of Power (2 DVD) $5.60, Last chance to see (2 bluray) $13 same price as DVD, Transfomers animated movie Bluray $10.40, Aliens In The Attic (Dvd & Blu-raypack) $5.60, Night At The Museum (Dvd & Blu-ray Pack) $5.60, Alvin & The Chipmunks (Dvd & Blu-ray Pack) $5.60, Night At The Museum 2 (Dvd & Blu-ray Combo) $5.60, Alvin & The Chipmunks 2 (Dvd & Blu-ray Pack) $5.60. Enjoy!