Get Traktor DJ iPad and iOS apps for free!

iOS apps store offers Traktor DJ iPad, Barefoot World Atlas, and LiquidSketch for free! Traktor DJ, whose price is $20.99, is applicable to all versions of iOS. However, it can work best with iOS versions later than 6.0. The Barefoot World Atlas app, whose price is $5.49, works well in iPads, iPhones, and iPods, but with iOS versions not older than 5.0. LiquidSketch app, whose price is $1.99, only works well in iPad, iPod, iPhone, and iPad Wi-Fi. iOS systems older than 4.0 are not compatible with this app. Other apps on offer include Visual Calendar, high-definition Red Clock, and Smart Tools, such as flashlight, sound meter, ruler, and protractor. These apps are compatible with iPhone 3GS, fourth-and fifth-generation iPod touch, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S. Furthermore, these apps require iOS systems not older than 5.1.