Get Folder Plus, a file manager app for iOs for free!

Available now for free: the Folder Plus app for iOS! This app is normally at $6.49 at the iTunes App Store. The Folder Plus app is a file manager app which allows the user to quickly move between viewing and editing files in jsut a multi touch gesture. It also offers lightning fast file transfers. It works with the following file types: PDF Files, Microsoft Office Files (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), iWork Files (Pages, Numbers and Keynote), Image Files (JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PSD), HTML Files, Web Archives, Plain Text Files, audio files (MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless, WAVE, AIFF, CAF), video files (QuickTime, MP4, M4V, MPV), archive files (.zip/.cbz, .rar/.cbr, .7z/.cb7; handle passwords, splits)The app is compatible with the following file sharing apps: Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, iCloud, OneDrive