On Sale: Brand New Intel Haswell i5 4570 for only $500

Special promo for Brand New Intel 4th Gen Haswell based system. From the original price of $549, get this special discount and pay only $500. Features: - 3.2GHz i5 - latest H87M board - 8GB of RAM and 500GB HD - K350 with a quality 450W PSU - IntelĀ® HD Graphics 4600 - Supports 32 GB Max RAM, 2 channels DDR3-1333/1600 at 25.6GB/sec Reviews say that this is best and perfect for home users and also for business use. For those orders made before 1:45pm today, we'll refund the additional $25 to all your orders in honor of the new price of $500. Promo is valid only today and for payments made via Paypal or bank transfer