Enjoy Any IMAX (Sydney) Movie for $15 Only per Ticket

Okay, here is something so awesome to be doing during weekend or any day you want it. This is IMAX (Sydney) Movie Ticket promo and it is for ANY movie that you want! Yes, for any movie that you wanted to watch for $15 only and you can already watch your favorite movies on this huge, modern cinema screen in Sydney. You can use the ticket even Saturdays after 5PM. You can either choose to watch the new released movies or the previous one. This deal is more amazing than the last one because of less exclusions. You have to hurry for it'll be good between August 28-November 30, 2014. You can get up to 11 vouchers for every person. By the way, please don't miss to claim 4% cashback. Now, get your tickets for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles, Dracula Untold or the Guardians of the Galaxy (still showing).