Have New HSBC DaytoDay Account w/ $2000 Deposit, Enjoy $10 Reward

Is it not best to earn rewards too while saving your money for future use? You can do both at HSBC. They are offering $10 Feebate on every new HSBC Day to Day Account now! You just have to open an account with this service starting June 1, 2011 and deposit at least $2,000. You have to maintain the same balance until the end of each month. Your $10 bonus will be added within 5 working days on your account. Your account will no longer be entitled for this deal once the total reward amount reaches $100 or the account turns a year old (that is 12 months to be exact). You don't have to worry because they won't collect any monthly fee. A fee-free Westpac, St George and BankSA ATMs are included too. Full terms and conditions are available at their website.