Book a Hotel for at least US$100 to save US$15

This is a good hotel booking deal at HotelTravel. You just need to book a hotel through HotelTravel for at least US$100 (AUD$106) per booking to save and enjoy US$15 (AUD$16). First, you have to choose the hotel and the room class. Second, you will apply the coupon code at 'Traveller Information' page as well as your information. You have to carefully review their terms and conditions below so you can take part on this offer. The bookings should be arranged not later than 31st of July 2014 at exactly 4PM GMT. The travel date should fall not later than 31st of July 2015 at exactly 4PM GMT. The coupon code is only good for every one customer account. You have to act fast as other famous, affordable hotel will definitely be fully book in an instant with this awesome deal!