Pay only $49 for 5 hours of home cleaning with Zoupon Melbourne!

the Diamond Cleaning Group would like you to experience home cleaning luxury and service for the low price of $49! They are experts in cleaning bathrooms, bedrooms, stairs, hallways, living rooms, upholstery and even mirror! The original value of this service is $250 so this marked down price is really a great advantage on your end! The group uses biodegradable products for cleaning so there's no need for you to worry about them not being environmentally friendly! Promo is valid between December 3, 2010 and December 2, 2011 so if you book them today, you don't have to redeem the discount immediately. Terms and conditions apply so please call the Diamond Cleaning Group on 1 800 342 666. Cleaning is only available for residential homes that are up to 250 square metres in size and with a maximum of two bathrooms and four bedrooms.