Have a Hindu Temples iPhone and iPad App for only $2.49

The developer of the Hindu Temples App on iTunes released its iOS app on iTunes. The apps has an introductory discounted price of $2.49 in Australia because of the database collection and development costs for the app. The information of the apps can be viewed on www.AllHinduTemples.com for free and the site is mobile responsive. The price will raise up to $3.99. The application is now available in more than 50 countries. You can save all Temples details offline for use without data connection, view address /map location, one click driving directions, directly call temples phone numbers, view their opening hours, email address, view website, view photos, visit Facebook Pages, and view background story / description of the temple. Also, you can call / email / get directions to the Temples right from within the app.For any support contact at this email admin@allhindutemples.com.