50% Savings at Cables Sales for HDMI V1.3a with 1-40 metres,28AWG

Crazystu online is not only providing high quality cables but reasonable prices. Now, they are having huge Cable sales on HDMI to HDMI Version 1.3a Cable. You can buy it now at 50% discount each! These cables has a wide variety of length and thickness. They are 1-40 metres long and 28-24AWG thickness respectively. They work fine with DVD, LCD, HDTV, PS3 and Blu-Ray. You can expect Lifetime Warranty, genuine Gold Plated, Noise Suppression and Ferrite Core. You can ask technical support or customer service at 1-800-788-502 for free! If you are looking for standard HDMI cable, you have to choose the 28 AWG tinned-copper cable as it is excellent cable for high performance and long lasting usage.