Green Man Gaming offers a total of 80% discount

Enjoy a total of 80% discount for every purchase of games. For the Publisher Of The Day: Square Enix, Sleeping Dogs Pack is down to $12.98, FinalFantasy DoublePack, costs $11.99, Tomb Raider GOTY, $7.49; Hitman Pack; $8.99; Just Cause Pack, $4.39; Kane and Lynch Pack; $3.39; DeusEx Pack, $11.23; THIEF, $16.99; and Master Thief Edition, $18.01. For the Multi Buy of the Day, choose 3 in any of the following games for $17, Worms Revolutio, DisciplesIII, Omerta City of Gangsters, Tropico4, Euro Truck, Simulator2, and Supreme Commander Gold Edition. For the Indie Bundles of The Day, GMG 1-Up Bundle save $31.95 for a total of $18.00. The bundle includes Explodemon, Bad Bots, The Duke NukemPlatformer Pack, Storm in a Teacup, Megabyte Punch. Save $40.45 for a total of $14.50 for every GMG Frightfest Bundle, games include Grimind, Soulbringer, Montagues Mount, Scratches, MasterReboot. Save $35.00, a total of $10.95 for every GMG OMG Bundle which includes Clickr, Driftmoon, The Chaos Engine, Swords and Soldiers, Gun Monkeys.