Protect Your Phone, protect your Wallet:80% OFF Nexus 5 Cases

Got a Google Nexus 5? maintain the beauty of the phone, avoid scratches on the screen and on the casing itself. Reearth Usa is selling the Ringke Fusion Google Nexus 5 Case for only $5.99. This is a big drop from the original selling price of $24.99. That's an 80% savings, even when you add up the cost for shipping. Along with the case comes a FREE premium HD clear screen protector. What a great deal indeed! This case is colored black, but other colors are also available, like gray and mint which sells for the same price. Crimson is the priciest at $8.99, and the crystal clear case sells for $7.99. Check out the website, just register and order, and avail of the 80% discount.