Save 50% off on 20 mins Go Karting for only $24 at Kartatak

A go-kart (sometimes known as a "go-cart") is a small four-wheeled vehicle. Go-karts come in all shapes and forms, from motorless models to high-powered racing machines, some, like Superkarts, being able to beat racing cars on long circuits. Gravity racers, usually referred to as Soap Box Derby carts, are the simplest type of go-karts. They are propelled by gravity, with some races taking place down a single hill. Amusement park go-karts can be powered by 4-stroke engines or electric motors, while racing karts use small 2-stroke or 4-stroke engines. Most of them are single seater but recreational models can sometimes accommodate a passenger. In some countries, go-karts can be licensed for use on public roads. Typically there are some restrictions, e.g. in the European Union a go-kart on the road needs head light (high/low beam), tail lights, a horn, indicators and a maximum of 20hp.