Glo eReader 2G now Goes for only $138 at Kobo!

The Glo eReader is in great demand and it's good to hear that it's now available in Kobo stores again. If you missed out on this item last time, don't worry for Kobo items are in a great comeback. So, rush while stocks last because you know not what will happen next! I'm emphatic about this because Kobo's giveaways are awesome and it's not surprising stocks could be dwindling fast, faster than you can imagine. For only $138, you'll get the eReader, which comes with a sleep cover for $30.40. This item has a variety of features, which I would like to shed some light on. First, it has a large storage capacity of 2GB. Second, it has a 6" screen, which glows, enabling you to read in the dark. Third, it somewhat photostatic because repels suns glare away from your eyes. Finally, it is portable with an built-in Wi-Fi.