Garden tools are now on 50% sale at Masters

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50%OFF Garden tools Deals and Coupons

You love your garden more than anything and you spend most of your spare time outside? This deal is absolutely for you! Masters is now offering a 40-50% sale on garden tools. What are you waiting for? The discount is online only and valid in 4 days so you'd better hurry up. Some standout sales here will surely catch your eyes. McGregor's Axe With Fibreglass Handle 1.81kg now only $20.00, McGregor's Women's Garden Spade Stainless Steel now $20.00, Cyclone Half Moon Edger Large Now $25.00, Cyclone Lawn & Leaf Metal Rake Now $15.00, McGregor's Secateur 200mm Now $2.00. Order now and enjoy!

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