HALF the Price! Gaming Peripherals at Razers at 50% off!

Gaming genius? Can't get enough of games and the thrill that comes when you win them? Well, now is your chance to up your gaming performance! Like Razers in Facebook and get 50% off on all Razer gaming peripherals or 10% off on Razer systems! You can also follow Razers on twitter and get the same discount! Razers is doing this for you as their way of celebrating their Best of CES victory! Offer is valid only for 24 hours between January 15, 8:00 am PST and January 16, 7:59 am PST so hurry and get this good deal now! Needs 2 FB likes or 2 twitter follows to generate code. Terms and Conditions apply. Codes are generated only when you meet the terms and conditions.