US PlayStation Store Flash Sale: titles for a slow as $2.49

US PlayStation Valentine’s Day Flash Sale lets you have amazing titles and fantastic games for as low as $2.49. Purchase exciting games for PS3, PS4, and PSVita at very affordable prices. Some of the titles on special are Castle Crashers for PS3 for $3.49, Cloudberry Kingdom for PS3 for $2.49, Divekick for PS Vita, Cross-Buy at $2.49, Divekick for PS3, Cross-Buy at $2.49, Fat Princess for PS3 for $3.49, House of the Dead Overkill: Extended Cut for PS3 for $4.99, ibb & obb for PS3 for $4.99, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days for PS3 for $4.99, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men foro PS3 for $3.99 and many more.