Aussie Farmers Direct give you 75% off Fruit and Veg Boxes!

Start living healthy and eat more fruits and vegetables! Aussie Farmers Direct is giving you a whopping 75% discount on their fruit and vegetable boxes ($6.50 each). You can also save $60 if you have the shop's Seasonal Fruit and Veg box delivered straight to your home. You get free delivery if your orders amount to $15 every week for four consecutive weeks. Seasonal Pick and Pack Fruit and Veg Boxes are also available for customers who live in areas that Aussie Farmers Direct serve (place 4 consecutive orders)! So if you live in areas serviceable by Aussie Farmers Direct, place your orders now! Is product quality good? Of course! Terms and Conditions apply so please remember to check them out before placing orders. They also have automatic subscription when you place your order so if you don't want this, just cancel the subscription after the deal is complete.