Have a First Aid Training

First aid program is conducted to safe happy families through the support of St John's work in the community. It is available at some targets like QLD Maroochydore Sunshine Plaza, Plaza Parade, Maroochydore, Rockhampton Cnr Fitzroy & Alma Sts, Rockhampton, SA Berri TC River plaza, Kay Avenue, Berri 5343 Street Mildura, Waurn Ponds Town & Country Shopping Centre, Princess Hwy, Morwell Mid Valley Shopping Centre, Ballarat Doveton St. Ballarat. Seymour TC Seymour central shopping centre, Tallarook St, Seymour, Warrnambool koriot St, Warrnamboot,King George V Drive, Glenorchy Launceston 78 Charles St, Launceston, and most of Western Australia & Northern Territory Targets.