Check out this Android free File Master (without codes)

Description: Filemaster is a powerful file transfer and manage tool. Use it to transfer files on mobile devices including Android and Apple devices. It's a file explorer with user-friendly UI and simple operations. Highlights are the following: a. Transfer Function: 1. Send anything to other mobile devices such as images, videos, music, documents and folders 2. Up to 3MB/second speed, transfer 120 pictures for 1 minute, 30 songs and 1 video with high-definition 3. WIFI transfer without mobile data incurred. b. File Manage Functions: 1. Supports copy, cut, paste, create and delete file manage functions 2. with ZIP and RAR support which allows compression and decompression of ZIP files, RAR files unpacking and creation of encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files 3. Web share, web-browser management on computer without the need of USB Cable 4. Access home PC via WIFI SMB 5. Dropbox,SkyDrive,Google Drive,Box and KuaiPan 6. Text viewers and editors c. UI User-friendly design: 1. Holo Theme with swipe operation 2. Multiple file views