2400 Seats, $24 Each for 24 Hours Only (July to Sep) @TigerAir

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Now more reasons to travel with Tiger Air's current offering of $24 Seats (2,400 seats available) now available for booking within 24 Hours! That's for the July to September window of traveling on Tiger Airways. $24 Flights include: Melbourne from $24(300 Seats) 28 Jul 15 - 16 Sep 15 Sydney from $24(200 Seats), Sydney from $24(600 Seats) 21 Jul 15 - 16 Sep 15, Melbourne from $24(200) Seats 28 Jul 15 - 16 Sep 15, Adelaide from $24(300 Seats) 28 Jul 15 - 16 Sep 15 Hobart from $24(200 Seats) 28 Jul 15 - 16 Sep 15 and many more! Please visit our site to find out about all the available seats and destinations. Fly safer at Tiger Air!

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