Save up to $90 when you buy from Dick Smith
Yet another deal from Dick Smith and this one is even better! You can save anywhere from $20-$90 depending on how much you spend in tiers! If you spend between $100 to 300, you can save $20 by using the code RACEDAY20. Then, if you spend from $300 to $500, you can use RACEDAY40 to save $40. After that, you canuse the code RACEDAY70 to save $70 on orders between $500 to $1000. Any orders over $1000 can be used in conjunction with the code RACEDAY90 for $90 off the total price. As usual, these codes don't apply to gift cards, gaming products, prepaid mobile plans, and quite a few electronic devices. It's still a great deal if you think about it.