Get an Elizabeth Arden Best Sellers Kit free with purchase

Look great and feel great with fabulous Elizabeth Arden products and get a free Elizabeth Arden Best Sellers Kit with every purchase of two Elizabeth Arden products. Elizabeth Arden products ave been known for years to have the highest quality of fine ingredients to make each woman look and feel beautiful. The kit includes an Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Skin Balancing Exfoliating Cleanser 50 ml, Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Moisturizing Hand Treatment 30 ml, and Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Color Lash Enhancing Mascara in Black 3 ml. Choose among the wide range of Elizabeth Arden products with discounts such as Beautiful Mascara Set which has full size mascara, make-up remover, eye cream for only £18.90 and many other products which are at 10% off with the 10% coupon code 'LFNEW' .