Enjoy Beatport free daily dance music track

I like listening to music track and this promo of Beatport is absolutely awesome. Let me share this to everyone who has the same hobby or for EDM or DJs fans. Beatport is offering a daily free electronic dance music track! You can absolutely enjoy this deal for 10 weeks. It does not require you to log on or set up an account. There will be one artist every week and 1 unlocked tune every business day. It is absolutely a total of 50 tracks within the deal period. To give you a taste of 10 year type of music, the first week offer is played by Hardwell which is Progressive House. Beatport is also giving several free tunes as gifts for being 10 years in this business. They redesigned and improved their site for everyone's delight. Now, let's start listening to these cool music: https://pro.beatport.com/decade